Newton and Newell Designs

Product details for Custom Acrylic Name Sign.

Custom Acrylic Name Sign

Custom 3 layer acrylic name sign

Price: $26.00

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Product Details

Custom made name sign using 3 layers of acrylic of your choice. The back layer will be the outline of the name with the second layer being either a nickname or the last name. And finally, the last layer will be the first name. The base layer can be either mirrored or opaque color, the second layer will be translucent and the final layer will be opaque or solid color. All layers are going to be welded with an invisible glue method. When ordering, please message me with how the names will be in order from back to front and which colors you would like.

Colors available for each layer:
Back layer being mirror: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Lavender, Pink, Orange.
Back layer being opaque includes all the above plus Black and White.
Second layer being translucent will have the same colors except the black with be more of a smoked grey.
The third layer is all the opaque colors: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple, Pink, Orange.

Some colors will vary based on the style of acrylic. As always, the price includes shipping and all packaging.

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